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Trusting the Truth of Turtle Island

At the Circle Connections for Reconciliation Society, we believe a shared understanding of the history of turtle island (North America) from creation, to hunters and gathers, to contact, to modern global territories is key to reducing racism and advancing Truth and Reconciliation.


To that end, we are working on a series of workshops to guide attendees to a better understanding of our shared and inclusive history - teachings that are informed, introspective and respectful.


We have already completed Phase One, creating the foundational content for the workshop series through research, Indigenous Educators' input and communal engagement through Indigenous events including our country’s history pre-contact to post-contact as well as signed treaties. 

We are now at the early stages of  Phase Two working with Elder Lance Scout, Kainai Nation, to review the foundational content. We are seeking further funding in order to bring together Elders and Knowledge Keepers from across Treaty 7 Territory and the Métis Nation of Alberta to review our work and provide their input. This will ensure the workshops will be informative, effective, culturally appropriate, engaging and will ultimately progress Truth and Reconciliation.

When complete, the workshops will be truly be a transformational learning journey.

Please contact us for more information. 

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